Saturday, September 19, 2015

Upcycle Kind of Style: Filing Cabinets

If we're being honest, there probably is at least one way to repurpose everything. And in some of the other "Upcycle Kind of Style" posts I've picked a couple trendy, more obvious items to give ideas for. Well not today, not this post. 
In my pursuit of finding an unusual item in the store to find ways to repurpose, I found the prime example, a filing cabinet. Yeah, that's right, a filing cabinet can be repurposed. Despite the fact that they're usually pretty heavy, and bulky and mostly made of a metal that shows imperfections easily, they CAN be made fabulous. Here are some of the creative ideas I found on the wonderful World Wide Web, Pinterest never fails. (All pictures below were taken off of Pinterest and do not belong to Prairie Chic unless otherwise stated)

If you could find a way to raise the cabinet a little higher this could be a good idea for a mobile kitchen island.

Make your own desk, as big or small as you'd like.

I've never seen a garage organizing system quite like this!

Keep it as a filing cabinet, just make it more aesthetically pleasing!

You can even make a piece of furniture out of several of them!

Raised planters are so in right now!

Here is the ONLY filing cabinet available for sale at Prairie Chic. It is solid oak wood and available for  $87.25 today! 

Do you have a request for an item you would like ideas for? Feel free to contact McKenzie Schultz at the store e-mail,, or at her cell phone through a text or a call at 785-571-3955.

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