Monday, February 10, 2014

So, what's going on with the United Methodist Church?

So, since Mark and Denise Homer first bought the First United Methodist Church in Herington, what's going on with that project now?

Well, there's still work being done inside the church. You can see some pictures of the work that has been done so far to the church on the St. Mark's Wedding Chapel blog here.

In the future, once Prairie Chic is up and running, both busienesses will be tied together, and both blogs likewise. Vendors who have items inside Prairie Chic can be picked as Approved Vendors and listed on the St. Mark's blog page. Keep in mind that people who attend a wedding may need to find a last-minute, unique wedding gift. Prairie Chic's direct tie to the St. Mark's Wedding Chapel would be the perfect complement to visitors coming to the City of Herington for their very first time.

This is just another perk that area residents have for their considerideration who may be pondering renting vendor space at the store. Want to know more about vendor rates and more about the store in general? You can find that at the More about the Prairie Chic Store tab at the top of the page.

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